TOEFL Speaking Shouldn’t be so Hard.

It really shouldn’t.  The problem that most students have is that they don’t get proper feedback when they practice for the speaking section.  They take the test again and again, but continue to make the same mistakes again and again.

Don’t Worry.  We Can Help.

Sign up for our TOEFL speaking evaluation service and you’ll get:

  • Score estimates for your answers.
  • Corrections and suggestions regarding your delivery, language use, topic development and structure from a TOEFL expert.
  • Feedback within 48 hours.  
  • Note that we also offer writing evaluations.

Buy Now Using PayPal/Visa/MasterCard

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Here’s How it Works

  1. Buy an evaluation using the PayPal link above.  Save money by purchasing multiple evaluations.  Send your recordings all at once or one at a time.
  2. Record your next practice answers.  Use your own questions or ask us for practice questions.
  3. E-mail your recordings to TOEFL Resources: 
  4. I will send a response in 48 hours.  If you don’t see it, remember to check your spam folder.
  5. Note for Korean Customers: Banking regulations in Korea make it impossible for you to use PayPal.  Send me an email and I’ll arrange an easy bank transfer.





Hey, we’ve also got Writing Evaluations!

SIgn up today and get line-by-line feedback focusing on your grammar, vocabulary, structure and argument.  You’ll also get a pretty accurate estimate of your score!