This page lists all of the blog posts and website articles I’ve written about common TOEFL grammar and language use problems. I read about a dozen TOEFL essays every day, and if a type of error occurs quite frequently, I write an article about it. Here’s what I’ve written so far:
- “Discuss with” needs an object
- “Since then” vs “after that”
- Subject-Verb agreement with gerunds
- Using the definite article before “society”
- Semicolon Use
- “Boring” vs “Bored”
- Writing about Subways
- “Public Transportation” vs “Public Transportations”
- “Lose Weight” vs “Lose My Weight“
- “Every day” vs “Everyday”
- “Value” vs “evaluate”
- “Economic” vs “Economical“
- “Near” vs “Nearby“
- “Make effort” vs “make an effort”
- “access” vs “access to”
- “even if” vs “even though”
- “until now” vs “so far”
- “until now” vs “since then”
- “maintain relationships” vs “keep relationships”
- “while” and avoiding sentence fragments
- Using “one of the” properly
- “Stopped to VERB” vs “Stopped VERBing”
- Using “every” properly
- Writing numbers
- “ago” vs “earlier”
- “Rather than” vs “than”
- “So” vs “So that”
- “On the contrary” vs “In contrast”
- “A Few” vs “Few”
- “Decline” vs “Reduce”
- “Residence” vs “Residential” vs “Resident”
- Writing about decades
- Writing about success
- “Although” and “but”
- “Electronic” vs “Electric”
- “The” and Physical Environments
- “Despite” vs “Although” (and “in spite of”)
And I’ve also written a few related blog posts: