In case you are curious what a “Skills for English: SELT” Test Report Form looks like, here’s mine. A couple of points are worth mentioning:
- My results arrived in about 48 hours. Quick!
- While “Skills for English” is a pass/fail test for specific CEFR levels, the report indicates that I achieved B2 “with merit.” I suppose that the “with merit” indication is a way for high-performing test takers to show off a bit for score users. That’s a nice touch. I haven’t seen this documented anywhere.
- The mug shot is huge. I was photographed by the test center administrator himself, which I think is a feature of the SELT requirements.
- The report features the signature of Isabelle Gonthier, PhD, ICE-CCP, who hosts one of my favorite podcasts about this sort of thing. How nice!
I’ve also attached a screenshot of my blissfully simple and straightforward account page for this test.
You can also read my full report on this test.