Updated Story: It has been confirmed by ETS that students now get their TOEFL listening and reading scores at the test center, at the end of the test. They say:
You can now view unofficial scores for the Reading and Listening sections on screen immediately upon completing the test. These scores can give you an early indication of your performance and help you make a well-informed decision about reporting your scores before leaving the test center.
Note that these are “unofficial” scores, which mean the final scores could be different. I will try to gather data to see how often this happens.
Note, also, that these are “scaled” scores, which means they are on the same 1-30 scale as your final score report. They are NOT “raw” scores.
Original Story:
If you go to the ETS page on getting scores (https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/scores/get/) and look at the page source, the following was added sometime in January, but was “commented out” so it doesn’t actually appear:
“At the end of your test, you will see your unofficial scores for the Reading and Listening sections on the screen. This gives you an idea of how you did on the test and helps you determine whether to report or cancel your scores.”
I assume this means that in the future ETS will provide scaled reading and listening scores at the end of the test, but that they will not be adjusted for the difficulty level of the test that week. This means the scores given will usually be accurate… but that the final (official) score could be plus or minus one point. If this is confusing to you, just note that ETS adjusts everyone’s score some days if the questions are deemed too easy or too hard after everyone has taken the test.
While this remains hidden (we aren’t supposed to see it) my guess is that this is a change that will be announced in the coming weeks. I just hope they don’t frame it as helping students determine if they should cancel their scores, as that should only be done if they are planning to make a test center complaint (in my opinion).