A few days ago, I took the British Council‘s EnglishScore Test.  This one is a mobile-only English test.  It is used by institutions for placement purposes and by individuals who need a certified English score for some purpose.  I suppose it operates in the same space as the TOEIC, TOEFL iTP (ETS), Upskill (Cambridge) and Versant (Pearson) tests.  I’m so happy that this space has become more crowded in recent years. Competition is vital.

Below, check out my official certificate.

Keep in mind that EnglishScore actually consists of three separate tests: the core skills test, the writing test and the speaking test.  The writing and speaking tests are unlocked after you earn an A2 or above result on the core skills test.  Each test takes about 30-40 minutes to complete.  I’ll take the writing and speaking tests in the weeks ahead.

A few thing are worth noting here:

  1. Yeah, this one is mobile-only.  The only other major test of this type I can think of is Cambridge’s Upskill test. That said, this one is much bigger: EnglishScore has 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store, while the Upskill test has about half a million.


  1. The test taker completes a room scan before beginning, and photos are taken throughout the test and appended to the official certificate.  If test makers can get institutions to trust their security features, mobile tests are a great way to increase access and reduce costs. I think we’ll see more tests like this in the future (especially for lower-stakes uses).


  1. Everyone can take the test (and get a score) for free.  An official digital certificate costs $24.99.  A printed certificate (couriered to your door) costs $49.99.  Since printed certificates are still big in my neck of the woods I’m curious about the printed version, but I don’t want to pay for it.


  1. Account creation can be done via Google, and the whole setup process and security check can be done in minutes.  How nice.


  1. The core skills test is a multiple-choice affair, so it is the easiest to deliver via mobile.  And the easiest to score.  I have no complaints about the delivery, which was very smooth.  I’ll raise some issues when talking about the W and S tests.  But this one is completely painless.


  1. If you are helping someone prepare for the test, ensure that they go through the test guide beforehand.  Make sure they know how the timers work, as it isn’t always clear in the UI.  Note, also, that the reading test includes quite a few “pick the best title for this passage” questions, which can be tricky for people who haven’t encountered that sort of thing in the past.


  1. The grammar section seems to go heavy on questions about verb tenses.  A keen teacher could probably build a study guide using Murphy’s “English Grammar in Use.”


  1. Results max out at C1.


  1. Attached are both pages of my certificate.  Note the derpy photos on the second page, which were taken while I was completing the test.  The certificate was available a few hours after I completed the test.


  1. BC’s private sector partner on this one is Blenheim Chalcot.


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